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To cough or be clean…

Had my 7 year old with me last night….heading to the bookstore. Decided to put the “American Idiot” record on. Hey, she likes to rock sometimes too.

Them I remembered Billy Joe’s propensity for dropping F-bombs. So I figured, being a good Dad and all that, that I’d cough over each one, drowning it out. After a few minutes the car sounded like a tuberculosis ward and my girl was fearing for my health.

Ah, rock and roll eh? Nobody said it’d be easy.

Which leads me to my own record, which as I look back on the completed demos thus far, will apparently contain it’s own share of secular profanity sprinkled liberally throughout the grooves. Hmmm….

To cough, or be clean?

‘Tis the question.

In a bit….


Categories: Uncategorized
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